AHBC Board Meeting Minutes from May 25, 2011


The meeting was called to order by Vince Kelley at 6:30pm. 

Board members present were: Vince Kelley, President; Christine VanDornick, Co-Ride Chair; Alan Gibbs, Treasurer; Paula Matzek, Membership Chair; Dave Martin, Bike Swap Chair; Debra Watson, Program Chair and board member at large; Lynn Sakata for Ford Sakata, Secretary; and several regular members.


Financial Report (Alan Gibbs)

Alan provided a financial report to the Board which led to a discussion regarding the two Club fundraisers.  While both were successful, the Club will need to decide if the Bike Swap is a fundraiser or just a community service.  If the Club is to be a fundraiser, then the commission charged by the Club will need to be increased to overcome costs.  The Arlington 500 was very successful in part because the weather turned out to be fantastic. 

Expenses paid during the past month were primarily related to the Swap and Arlington 500.  Some expenses were still pending for the fundraisers plus payment for personalized bicycle license plates for those members who volunteered to help run the two events. 

At future meetings, a number of financial decisions need to be made including:


Membership Report (Paula Matzek)

To date, 127 households (18 new) have submitted membership fees representing 165 individual members.  Approximately 35 individuals did not renew but most were people who did not ride.     


Bike Swap Update (Dave Martin)

Dave provided a wrap-up of the swap and proposed payment to the software developer for his service.  He also proposed to pay the developer next year to train at least 2-people to take over management of the computer and software area.  Next year, the plan is to run the swap by committee next year.  This will help split up the work load while easing the dependency on few individuals.  Decisions will also need to be made regarding accessories and fees.




New Ride Incentive Ideas - Several ideas are still being considered to increase rider recognition such as expanded mileage award categories.  The membership will be asked to submit their ideas for further consideration.


The board meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Ford Sakata
