AHBC Board Meeting Minutes from June 26, 2011 (Special Summer Planning Meeting)


The meeting was called to order by Vince Kelley at 7:00pm. 

Board members present were: Vince Kelley, President; Christine Van Dornick, Co-Ride Chair; Alan Gibbs, Treasurer; Paula Matzek, Membership Chair; and Ford Sakata, Secretary


Financial Report (Alan Gibbs)

Because this was a special meeting, a financial report was not provided.


Membership Report (Paula Matzek)

To date, 129 households (19 new) have submitted membership fees representing 167 individual members. 


40th Anniversary Picnic (Paula Matzek)

Forty years ago, several riders got together and rode their bikes to Deer Grove to have a picnic breakfast.  That was the beginning of the Club.  To commemorate that ride, the Club has decided to hold a 40th Anniversary Picnic ride on August 6th.  This will include a ride to Deer Park for a catered breakfast.  Paula presented three different catering options (and costs) to the Board for approval.  After consideration, the Board supported the selection of a full catered breakfast (including breakfast sandwiches, fruits, juice and coffee) from Jason's Deli.  Cost would be free to all members in good standing and $10 for visitors. 

Paula to send out an email announcement (requesting RSVPs) to the membership.  Ride leaders (Leisure, Intermediate and Advanced) to announce ride starting times and routes which will bring all groups to Deer Park at the same time for the breakfast celebration.


Picnic Ride

The Board would like to thank Jim Strasma for volunteering to again host the picnic ride on July 17th.  Ride leaders (Leisure, Intermediate and Advanced) to announce ride starting times and routes.


Progressive Dinner Ride

Nobody has volunteered to organize or host the progressive dinner so this year it will be cancelled. 


Contributions Amounts to Advocacy Groups

The Board discussed amounts to donate to bicycle advocacy groups and other supporting organizations.  The Board agreed to propose the following donations/amounts:

In addition, the Board (Christine) will be contacting the Park District to see if they have any cycling specific needs.  Ford will contact Alan Medsker, Chair of the Arlington Heights Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission to see if they have any cycling specific needs. 


The board meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Ford Sakata
